On March 27th I earned my High Performance endorsement in a Civil Air Patrol Cessna 182 RG.
I logged a total of 4.2 flight hours as PIC and these hours also counted toward my Complex endorsement since the RG has retractable gear.
I have also logged a total of 3.2 flight hours as PIC in the Piper Arrow towards my complex endorsement.
To date I have:
177.6 hrs total time.
73.0 hrs PIC time.
7.4 hrs complex time.
3.2 hrs high performance
My goal is to earn a total of 100 hours PIC time and minimum of 10 hours in the Arrow so that I can fly solo as PIC as per our club rules. In addition, I would like to start the Garmin G1000 training to fly the glass panel Civil Air Patrol Cessna 182.
That’s where things stand now!
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