Well it’s been a long time since I posted anything. But what I have managed to do since the last time I wrote is to join the Civil Air Patrol. I’ve completed Level One training and have moved on to Level Two and will be working toward flying one of several Cessna 182 aircraft based out of Rochester, New York. (KROC)
A ton of things have changed in my personal life that I won’t get into here, however in spite of these changes I am still committed to aviation and my training. I am a member of the Rochester Senior Squadron that has 28 members, most of which are pilots. “Senior” is used because there are no young cadets in this group.
As many of you know, money has been an issue in my flight training, and I am not alone since this problem affects hundreds if not thousands of other pilots. This is because pilots are not the rich lot that you hear about. In fact, the truth is that if you don’t hear a plane in the air near your airport, it’s probably because someone ran out of cash just like you! The result is that someone stopped learning, a plane stands idle, fuel is not sold and taxes are not collected, a plane isn’t serviced and a mechanic is laid off or another flight school closes. None of these outcomes is acceptable.
If you are in a position to help the flight training of myself or someone else, please do so. Your support would be greatly appreciated and it helps many other people who are behind the scenes keeping our birds in the air.
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